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Results for: Fitness + Wellness
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National Nutrition Month: Let’s Talk About Food!

OK, it’s National Nutrition Month, so let’s talk about food. Quick: what does a healthy diet look like? If you are like a lot of people, your answer might include a list of Nos. No sugar. No white foods. No salt. No dairy. No junk food. No processed foods. Veggies are good, but no carrots! Yes, eat fruit, but no pineapple! Or no, don’t eat fruit, …

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Heart Healthy Eating

Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women AND men? It causes 1 in 3 deaths for woman and 1 in 4 deaths for men per year. That’s a huge number of people!1,2  It's national Heart Health Month. What can you do to help combat heart disease? Add exercise to your daily routine - It is recommended by the Department of Health …

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The Wellness Continuum at the JCC

One of the most unique things about PT @ the JCC powered by the JAA is our dynamic location. Just steps away from a state-of the-art fitness and aquatic center, we at PT @ the JCC are able to utilize these wonderful facilities to help any physical therapy patient meet his or her goals. Perhaps more importantly is the relationship PT @ the JCC has formed …

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Our Resolution:  Helping Older Adults to AgeWell

Typical New Year’s resolutions include exercise, lose weight, learn a new skill, spend less, volunteer more, and spend time with friends.   At AgeWell at the JCC, we have one resolution: To help you with all of those things and more! We hear daily from seniors who have found a home at the JCC; seniors like Allan. Allan joined us just two years ago at the urging of …

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New Year, New Goals!

As the new year begins, many of us are thinking about what we did or did not achieve this past year and what goals we want to set for the future. I am a big proponent of making goals for the New Year, or anytime for that matter! It’s a great time to reflect on the past year and make some decisions about how you’d like next year …

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Personal Trainer Embodies Jewish Values

As the Membership Director at the South Hills JCC, I often hear comments from our members about the facility, the equipment, the classes, the water temperature in the pool and the instructors. I recently received a compliment about one of our newer personal trainers.  Mallery Fascetti has been a personal trainer at the JCC for less than 6 months.  In that brief time, she has built …

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Holiday Eating Survival Guide

Oh no! Here they come! Are you bracing yourself for cookie trays, gratuitous boxes of chocolates and endless office parties? I just saw my first Whitman’s Sampler yesterday. And that’s just the beginning! But if you think I’m about to advise you to drink a gallon of water before every party, head for the raw vegetable tray at the buffet table, or virtuously decline every …

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Banish those Post Holiday Regrets

Did you maybe eat a little bit too much turkey or stuffing over Thanksgiving and the subsequent weekend? Maybe indulged in one too many pieces of pie? Feeling like you fell off the wagon a little bit? Don’t worry about it! No, really, don’t worry about it. So you could have been better during the holiday, eaten a little less or made better choices for …

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Timeless values and lessons through JCC Basketball

The Pittsburgh Clap, a rich tradition that ties decades of JCC basketball together, is alive as we begin yet another basketball season here at the JCC. On November 1, we hosted our annual “Basketbash” to kick off the hoops season.  Each team was introduced as they entered the gym to the same clap that has echoed in the gym for three decades.  The clap has not …

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Just What IS Mindful Eating?

Sometime in the past several years, you may have seen a flyer for a Mindful Eating class here at the JCC. So here’s a good question: What exactly IS Mindful Eating? And why should you care about it? Mindful Eating is a little less about WHAT you eat, and a little more about HOW you eat. I stumbled on it in the course of my meditation …

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