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In the four years that I have been a Personal Trainer, I have had all types of different clients, and every client I work with requires their own unique exercise program. No matter who the client is, however, everyone needs functional fitness. Functional fitness has been defined by the Mayo Clinic as “exercises [that] train your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks …
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Though most Americans are likely to gain 3 to 7 pounds during the Holiday season, with some careful planning this does not have to be your story. By implementing a few simple tips you can stay healthy through the Holiday season without gaining weight. Plan time for exercise. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. A moderate and daily increase in exercise can help …
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Follow Bobby West, age 28, as he focuses on losing 100 lbs. A Coldwell Banker real estate agent and 6th generation Pittsburgher who lives in Squirrel Hill, Bobby says, "I've always been a fat kid. I just love food." Now he's focused on getting his weight to 235 lbs., and he already lost 15 lbs. in his first month. Bobby will be blogging about his workouts with Personal …
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As you settle into the school year, mapping out your busy agenda - juggling soccer schedules, carpools, and dance classes - don’t forget to include one of the most valuable activities: Family meals. The benefits of sitting down together are remarkable. Children who take part in family dinners tend to eat healthier, do better in school, develop higher self-esteem, eat more nutritiously and have fewer behavior …
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Admit it, when you read the title, you thought, “Oh, great, another coach giving us their two cents about participation trophies in youth sports today!?!?!?” And while I could go on for hours about that subject, I am more interested in another interpretation of this title – specifically the multitude of physical, emotional and mental benefits that come from participation in team sports. Team sports are …
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As both a parent and a coach, nothing frustrates me more than specialization. Gone are the days of the two- or three-sport athlete. The trend over the past decade or two has been for young athletes to begin concentrating on one specific sport from a very young age all the way through their high school and college years as if this punches their ticket to playing …
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Follow-Up - What I've Learned It has been a few weeks since I started my experiment with mindful eating. In that time, I’ve gone on vacation with friends, had multiple visitors to my home, and done lots of other summer activities. It has been a fun and enjoyable summer. And I must say, not having to painstakingly count every calorie that I’ve consumed has helped me enjoy …
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The poet William Carlos Williams wrote: “In summer, the song sings itself." And it’s true, there is something effortless and bountiful about the colorful vegetables and fruits flowing into the market, and hopefully also our grocery carts and kitchens. Every time you turn around, something else is in season - sweet local strawberries, ruby red chard and glossy zucchinis have already made their appearance. Most of us don’t …
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Completing physical therapy isn’t the end of an individual’s journey back to wholeness. For many making a full recovery from an injury or surgery, it’s just the beginning. The JCC’s Next Steps, a post-rehabilitation program, is designed to help in that transition from physical therapy to long-term fitness and wellness through working with uniquely qualified Personal Trainers, says Jason Stowell, Fitness and Wellness Director. “We’re able to immediately …
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As I await the delivery of our new equipment to Squirrel Hill Centerfit, I've been thinking about how much has changed! Cardio equipment has evolved from just providing a great workout to providing a great entertaining workout. Yes, most of our cardio machines already have their own private televisions. We even have machines that simulate outdoor biking. But with this new fleet of machines, we will be …
read moreThe JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.