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Creating SMART Fitness Resolutions

Posted by JCC Pittsburgh on June 18, 2015

It is now the second week of January. You have vowed that THIS will be THE YEAR! You are going to make it to the gym, eat more vegetables, and work on your stress. And then, life happens. You slip back into old habits and once again feel frustrated at yourself for not keeping your promise. Albert Einstein advised us that, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Perhaps THIS YEAR it’s time to put “insanity” to rest and adopt a SMART approach.

  • SPECIFIC: Start with a goal that is unambiguous. While setting a clear goal, think about the 5 “W’s”: What do I want to accomplish? When can I realistically accomplish it? Why do I want to do accomplish it? Who can help me accomplish it? Where can I go to work on it? (The last two are very easy. Our Fitness staff will help you accomplish it and you can work out right here!)
  • MEASUREABLE: To know whether you completed your goal, you have to be able to track it and measure the outcome. Ask the question “how much or how many?” Example: Setting a goal to lose 1.4 pounds per week and 20 pounds in 4 months.
  • ACHIEVABLE: Set a realistic goal. Example: A weight loss goal of 1.5 is healthy and achievable.
  • RELEVANT: A goal that has meaning to you personally will be prioritized and get your attention.  Example: Being able to play with your children or grandchildren is important to most people.
  • TIME-BASED: A target date will lend a sense of urgency and importance to your goal. Ask the question, “By when?” Example: I will hit my target weight in 16 weeks.

“You must begin to think of yourself as the person you want to be”.

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