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Yes, the holidays are late this year…but they are coming.
It is the middle of September and I have yet to dunk one piece of apple in a bowl of honey. How about you?
The holidays are late because last year, as a part of the regular calculations to ensure that the Hebrew intercalcualted solar/lunar calendar stays on time (Passover always happens in the Spring) we added an extra month. You can learn more about the Hebrew Calendar here.
Even though they are late, I thought that you might appreciate a little head start on getting ready.
Rosh HaShanah begins on Sunday, October 2 at sundown.
Yom Kippur begins on Tuesday, October 11 at sundown.
Sukkot begins on Sunday, October 15 at sundown.
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah begins on Sunday, October 23 at sundown.
And if you want to know more about any holiday, feel free to click below:
Happy New Year!
(Image courtesy of http://www.dhleonardconsulting.com)
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