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The 2020 Census: Everyone Counts!!!

The 2020 Census - Every Person Counts! This is the essence of the constitutional requirement to count all people every 10 years.  The results of the census directly impact the ways we are represented in Congress, the amount of federal funding our community receives and the many ways that public, private and not-for-profit organizations serve our neighbors. This is the essence of redefining ‘neighbor’ as a moral …

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The Concept of Forgiveness

When Rabbi Ron Symons invited me back to Pittsburgh for Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, to worship with our Pittsburgh neighbors and to participate in a community event at the JCC, I did not hesitate to say yes. The slogan “From Parkland to Pittsburgh, Stronger Together” has heartfelt meaning for me, as our two communities forged an unbreakable bond when we first came together …

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Practice Good Sleep!

Sleep is as important to our health as eating, drinking and breathing. Maggie Feinstein, LPC, Director of the the 10.27 Healing Partnership, Pittsburgh’s new resiliency center, recently shared some tips for getting a good sleep: Good sleep often takes practice.  In times when sleep is not going well, it is important to practice a new hygiene routine. Go to bed at the same time each night …

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Call It Child Care!

This week I’m reflecting on something that I continue to feel passionately about. Many of you have heard my thoughts on professionalizing the profession of early childhood and how important it is that we value young children and their early learning experiences. One of the ways we do this is by ensuring our educators have access to professional development opportunities. I’ve also talked a lot over …

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4 More Reasons to Eat More Plants

As we the harvest season continues, here are even more reason to eat your veggies! Lower your risk of heart disease: Some studies show that vegetarian diets reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 40%. Even if you don’t follow a vegetarian diet, just eating more produce is beneficial. A Harvard study found that people who eat 5 cups of produce a …

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Smartphones, Social Media & Summer Camp

While society has become more reliant on technology, and benefited from it, children’s use of electronics in daily life has also taken off. On average, American children and adolescents spend more than 7.5 hours each day using an electronic device. Emma Kaufmann Camp (EKC) recently participated in a national survey titled, Smartphones, Social Media and Overnight Summer Camp.  We were one of 48 camps that …

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As we turn the page on the calendar from Summer to Fall, from vacation to the academic year, from the old Jewish year 5779 to the new Jewish year 5780, the work of the Center for Loving Kindness are all the more relevant to the lives we lead in and around Pittsburgh.  Planned throughout 2016 and 2017 and launched on August 28, 2017, to commemorate …

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The Miracle of the Present Moment

As we conclude our second day of school in the Early Childhood Development Center, I want to thank our families for the joyful beginning we’ve had together. We are never without our challenges or opportunities, and I’m struck by how collaboratively our educators and our parents have worked in learning and navigating through the first couple of days together. I am proud to be part …

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For most people who have trouble sleeping, there’s a simple cure: EXERCISE. In fact, when researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine asked sedentary adults with insomnia to exercise 20-30 minutes every other day in the afternoon, participants reduced the time required to fall asleep by half, and increased total sleep time by almost 1 hour. Working out regularly has been shown to reduce episodes of …

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We Prepare Kids for Life’s Journeys

I don’t have many memories from being 4 years old.  Most of us don’t.  I remember moments with family, vague recollections about my preschool class, and “doing art” with my sister in our basement.  One vivid memory I do have is riding on a school bus for the first time to my local JCC.  I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing on that school …

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