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There’s a lot of disturbing talk these days, talk that is designed to play on people’s frustrations and fears. It’s talk that seems to free some people from their common decency, from tolerance and acceptance of others. It’s talk that breeds the hatred that destroys community.
It won’t happen here.
The JCC is a diverse, welcoming community. Our members come from down the street and all over the world.
The JCC is a community that thrives because it is driven by enduring values that resonate with everyone:
Kavod – respect
Chesed – kindness
Tikkun middot – character
Our values build the kehillah (community) that is the JCC. These core Jewish tenets are the basis for our community’s vitality and dynamism, as epitomized by the story of Abraham and Sarah’s tent – a tent that is open on all sides to welcome everyone, even strangers.
That’s been our story for 120 years and we plan to keep it that way.
The JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.