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Boosting Mental Discipline

There are differences in how easy it is for people to resist distraction but we all have the potential to improve our focus. Boosting our mental discipline can help us to excel at work and any other interests…… And we all want to excel, right? Unitask. Multitasking may seem like a valuable skill, but the brain actually works best on one issue at a time. Think …

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Exercise is the Ultimate Anti-ager

But all workouts are not created equal. Here is the bottom line on what really works for what..... The most youth-restoring move you can make is exercise! It's the one prescription that has the power to affect every cell and system in your body, reducing your risk of developing dozens of diseases, slowing down aging and adding years to your life. The benefits are huge and …

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One Small Change

Doing only one thing differently can be all it takes to lose weight and improve your life in surprising, healthy ways..... Walk- Take a brisk stroll on flat terrain..... Pick up the pace, so you're power-walking. Go at a challenging clip and hit the hills or add incline. Run- Jog slowly and steadily on flat footing.....Run like the wind...Do intervals (1 minute a level 5 and 1 …

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Doesn’t Have to be All or Nothing!

If it’s one thing I wish I could fix, it would be people’s “all or nothing” approach when thinking about health. Don’t start some diet that’s so vastly different from the way you eat- figure out something that fits your preferences and approach this as an ongoing process. Can I save a bit here? Can I burn a bit there? Most experts agree it all …

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The Importance of Resistance Training

Whether you’re new to exercise or you are an accomplished athlete, one of the most important ways to train your body is through resistance training which helps to build lean body mass. In order to properly train your body- and in order to see results like muscle toning, increased metabolism, increased bone density, and weight loss- incorporating some form of resistance training into your weekly …

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Creating Exercise Habits

So you’ve made a resolution about committing to weight loss and starting to exercise and then your initial enthusiasm and energy wane. We get distracted by other things going on in our lives, or we do not think we are seeing results quickly enough, and we throw in the towel. Many people do manage to hang in there and make exercise a lifetime habit, and …

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Review your Goals….

Be sure to revisit your goals along the way. Look back at your initial goals and be sure to celebrate your successes thus far. As you progress, set new challenges for yourself and keep your goals current. How much exercise do you need? Want to feel less fatigued? -60 minutes per week Better sleep?- 120 minutes per week Stronger bones? 120 minutes per week  Stay sharp and a younger brain?-135 …

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Heart Disease

8 million women in the Unites States are living with Heart Disease, yet only one in 6 believe heart disease is her greatest health threat. 90% of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease.While one in 30 American women dies from breast cancer each year, one in 3 dies of cardiovascular disease. 42% of women die within a year of suffering a heart …

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The “No-Diet Diet”

Keep your appetite under control- and cut calories painlessly with these little changes that will help you achieve a healthy weight. Start with soup- Research shows that people who began with soup ate less during the main course. Not only are they filling, but most soups are also swimming with nutrients we need. Choose tomato, broth, veggie or bean-based soups and lower –sodium canned versions. Go nuts- …

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Change Your Life for Good

You swore this was the year you would stick to your resolutions, but that jumbo tin of popcorn and comfy couch are calling you every night! Join the club. About 40 percent of Americans make a vow on Jan. 1st- and half relapse within the first 21 days. How to sail though that critical launch period and keep on going? Watch your wording: many a resolution have …

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