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Eat Mindfully… Every Bite Appreciated

All food is good. Remove the "good" and "bad" from your food vocabulary. You can't completely enjoy that piece of cake if you're telling yourself it is bad for you. There is no such thing as a bad or wrong food. If you get rid of the judgmental language around food, it becomes less stressful. When making food decisions, try replacing "I should" or "I …

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The Why List… 10 Reasons to Exercise

1. You want to fight disease. Exercise reduces your risk of a number of conditions, such as cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 2. You want to lose weight and keep it off. This is a given, but it means that people who maintain weight loss work out regularly. They don't just exercise until the weight comes off, then go back to being a couch potato. …

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Quit Smoking

You probably know the effects of smoking, but do you know the wonderful effects of quitting? In 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure drop In 12 hours, your blood's carbon monoxide level returns to normal In 2-12 weeks, your circulation improves and lung function increases In 1-9 months, coughing and shortness of breath decrease, and your lungs regain the ability to clean themselves and reduce the risk …

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Still Need More Reason to Make Fitness a Habit?

You hear all the time that exercise is good for your health and heart. Here’s more motivation to start getting fit: If you’re inactive, you’re twice as likely to develop Heart Disease as people MOVING on a regular basis. Regular exercise naturally decreases the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in your blood while increasing the HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Exercise lowers blood pressure and helps with blood sugar control, …

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Sitting is the Smoking of Our Generation

As we work, we sit more than we do anything else. We’re averaging 9.3 hours a day, compared to 7.7 hours of sleeping. Sitting is so prevalent and pervasive that we don’t even question how much we’re doing it. And, everyone else is doing it also, so it doesn’t occur to us that it’s not okay. Of course, health studies conclude that people should sit less, …

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Meat in the Middle. Instead of going completely vegetarian one day, try to go two-thirds vegetarian almost every day. It’s fairly easy to eliminate meat from a couple of meals a day. Try enjoying meat for your lunch only. A salad a day. Try a roasted root vegetable salad. Root vegetables have a meaty flavor, they’re substantial, and when you roast them, they have a natural …

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Assess Honestly WhereYou Are Today

Can you improve your eating habits? Get more Sleep? Exercise more? What is your goal? Why do you want to achieve it? What will it take to attain it? When do you want to obtain it? What do you need to do to succeed? Break your goal into 4 smaller specific goals. (Example) Instead of I am going to lose 20 pounds. Try I am going to …

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Sleep and Sweat

All the stressors in your life aren’t likely to disappear, but there is a way to stop and even reverse the damage they do. Start by getting enough sleep. Lack of shut-eye boosts cortisol levels and can lead to metabolic imbalances that can increase your risk of heart disease. Eat plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and cut back on fat. And find time for …

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Improve Your Sleeping Patterns

There are many factors that can cause sleep problems, and even more potential solutions. The steps you take to improve your sleeping patterns will be individual, based on the cause of your insomnia and the treatment plan laid out by your health care provider. In addition to the many lifestyle changes that can help you sleep better, the following tips may also help improve the …

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Two Little Steps to Less Stress… Breathe In…. Breathe Out

The ins and outs of Better Breathing Try this relaxation exercise from breathing guru Andrew Weil, MD. The payoff? Blessed relief from constant thinking. Sit with your back straight Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge just behind your front teeth. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whooshing sound. Inhale quietly through your nose with your mouth closed to a count of 4. Hold you breath for …

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