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It is now the second week of January. You have vowed that THIS will be THE YEAR! You are going to make it to the gym, eat more vegetables, and work on your stress. And then, life happens. You slip back into old habits and once again feel frustrated at yourself for not keeping your promise. Albert Einstein advised us that, “insanity is doing the same …
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January… the time of year we get to start fresh and define what we want to achieve in the upcoming year. But how many years have you set a goal only to falter part way through the process? It happens often because we tend to set goals that are too lofty. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t aim high, but we do need to …
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Keep things simple. Don’t compete with last year’s events-or the next door neighbors. Let go of unrealistic expectations. Underbook yourself. Allow more time than you think you need. Take a few quiet moments for yourself each day. Think about your purpose in life and how you express kindness and love. Breathe deeply. Take time to smell the gingerbread. Spend time with people who truly care about you. Set a budget for …
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The Holiday season does not have to mean weight gain. Here are a few healthy habits that are easy to follow during the holidays to keep you on the right track to a healthier lifestyle. Keep a food diary. If you write down what you eat, it will make you think twice about overindulging. Be aware of beverages. Alcoholic drinks are easily 100-300 calories or more per …
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This holiday is a bit of a challenge for most highly-health conscious individuals. All that good food and drink can add up and before you know it, you have consumed well over a day’s worth of calories in just one meal. Honestly, a once-per-year day of overeating isn’t likely to sabotage your diet plans, though sustaining this eating behavior throughout the Holiday season might lead …
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You can read hundreds of articles and talk about getting healthier until you’re blue in the face, but all the knowledge in the world won’t do you any good unless you’ve got the motivation to go with it. And even though getting motivated might sound like the easiest part, it’s actually the trickiest. It’s all too easy to plop down on the couch instead of …
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Not long ago, you were energetic and determined to start your healthy lifestyle. Starting with enthusiasm and hope, you watched your food intake diligently, tracked your blood sugar religiously and exercised like it was going out of style. You were confident in your ability to stick with a heart-healthy lifestyle. Then certain tragedy struck! You ate the piece of birthday cake and blew it. Or worse, …
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You’re committed to a healthy lifestyle. You started exercising, ditched the soda for water and brought healthy fruits and vegetables back to the center of your plate. Then you step on the scale, only to find that you haven’t lost a single pound after all your hard work. And now you’re asking yourself, “Is it even worth it?” Of course the answer is YES! Although weight …
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How often do you ask yourself, "Where did the day go?" Is this a common question in your life? Many of us pack so much into our daily routines, there's no time to relax-let alone exercise. Lack of time is one of the most common excuses for not having a decent fitness regimen. But do you realize that in the time it might take you …
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Choose power-house veggies: Those are the ones that are the most nutrient-dense, pack lots of vitamins and minerals into every calorie, and are strongly associated with reduced risk of chronic disease. According to a recent study that analyzed 47 fruits and vegetables the top 10 power-house veggies are: watercress, cabbage, chard, beet greens, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce and collard greens. The fruits and vegetables that …
read moreThe JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.