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My jaw dropped when I looked at the food column in the New York Times last Sunday. One of my favorite food writers, Mark Bittman, chose to make his farewell column, entitled "Slice of Heaven," about Bread and Salt Bakery in Bloomfield. Not Queens. Bloomfield, Pittsburgh. I'm not going to lie; I was confused. First, because I've been in Pittsburgh long enough to enjoy its under-the-radar-ness, …
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As our finger tips scroll through the rest of the summer weeks listed on our phones, we are preparing to enter the season of books. Our students are anticipating the end of summer reading assignments – so many pages divided by so many days… ‘I can do this… tomorrow’. Our business leaders are preparing to close the books on the 3rd quarter of 2015 and open …
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Many of the health and weight problems that people face today are related to a lack of physical activity. Although we are “on the run” during the day, we’re sedentary as we drive, work, watch TV and use the computer. On top of that, modern technology gives us time-saving shortcuts like dishwashers, car washes, escalators and remote controls that encourage us to do even less. …
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A time to remember the importance of preventing osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle. Half of all women (and one-quarter of men over 50) will break a bone due to osteoporosis, according to the National Institutes of Health. But this disease is largely preventable through healthy lifestyle choices. Strengthen your bones from this month forward by starting with these simple …
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Start an exercise diary. Write down what you did and how it made you feel. Take a "before" picture and post it on your refrigerator, then taken an "after" picture shot every month or so and compare. Try on your skinny jeans every other Friday. Do push-ups twice weekly; once weekly, write down your number of reps. If your energy level is up and you're sleeping better, something is …
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Physical activity helps you lose weight by burning calories, boosting resting metabolism and buffering you from bone and muscle loss that can result if you diet alone. High levels of physical activity can decrease your risk of colon cancer by 40-50%. Exercise helps you get better sleep. In one study, people who walked more than 6 blocks a day had 1/3 fewer insomnia problems than their less …
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Drink water. It’s the only beverage your body really needs and craves. Gradually replace soda, flavored coffees, sugary drinks and other high-calorie drinks with water. Aim for 6-8 cups each day. Too busy to cook healthy? To save time, use your crockpot, cook and freeze large batches of food. Buy pre-cut or pre-cooked ingredients, and keep an organized grocery list. Avoid trans fats. They increase your risk …
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You’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat.” While it’s true that food is fuel, it’s also true that food is broken down and transformed into cells, hormones, muscles and YOU! When you think of food in this light, it can make it easier to make healthy and nutritious choices for your body. March is National Nutrition Month-a time to focus on making …
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Breast cancer is foremost in many women’s minds, but heart disease is the nation’s number one killer, and women are the prime target. Every year, more women than men die of heart disease and stroke. The overall lifetime risk of dying from breast cancer is 3 percent. For cardiovascular disease or stroke, it’s nearly 50 percent. While the numbers may be stacked against women, it’s possible …
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Focus on one small thing at a time to help you lower your risk of heart disease and improve your quality of life. Don’t smoke. Smoking damages more than just your lungs. It hardens the arteries, raises the blood pressure and causes an irregular heartbeat. Find a smoking cessation program and kick this habit. Monitor your cholesterol intake. Your body needs cholesterol, which is found in animal …
read moreThe JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.