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South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh

South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh (SHJP) is the community engagement division of the Jewish Community Center – South Hills.

Vision Statement

A vibrant, interconnected, and engaged South Hills Jewish community.

Mission Statement

South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh connects our community through innovation, collaboration, education, communication and programming.

For more information: Jason Kunzman,

South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh’s Community Council is a governing board comprised of community leaders representing all four South Hills synagogues: Ahavath Achim (The Carnegie Shul), Beth El, Chabad of the South Hills, and Temple Emanuel, as well as the South Hills JCC and at-large members of the South Hills Jewish Community.

The Council meets four times a year with committee meetings held on a regular basis. We are always on the lookout for volunteers, program ideas, and other suggestions. Contact our South Hills office at (412) 278-1975  or email .

Executive Council 

  • Matt Schwartz (Chair)
  • Jonathan Fischer (Vice-Chair & Strategic Planning Chair)
  • Andrew Neft (Grant/Funding Chair)
  • Al Rosenthal (Communications & Outreach Chair)
  • William Spatz  (Chair Emeritus)

Community Council Members At-Large

  • Mark Ackerman
  • Larry Block
  • Mary Cothran
  • Naomi Herman
  • Julia Leyzarovich
  • Uri Marcovitz
  • Karen Morris
  • Michael Roteman
  • Shelly Schapiro
  • Bob Silverman
  • Susan Sofayov
  • Adele Sufrin
  • Bill Sota

Congregation Ahavath Achim (The Carnegie Shul)

Congregation Ahavath Achim (The Carnegie Shul), a traditional congregation, is the oldest Jewish congregation in the South Hills. The Shul, known as The Carnegie Shul, was founded in 1896, and was incorporated in 1903. The Shul has been in its present building at 500 Chestnut St. since 1937.

The Shul holds services every Sabbath morning, on the High Holy Days, and on Jewish festival days. The Carnegie Shul is a haimish congregation that welcomes all to come share in Jewish faith.

Ahavath Achim (the Carnegie Shul)
500 Chestnut St.
Carnegie, PA 15106



Beth El Congregation of the South Hills

Beth El is a thriving and open community, welcoming to all. Beth El strives to provide value beyond the life cycle needs of their congregation in a manner consistent with our Conservative ideals. They are committed to providing an engaging Jewish education for all ages and abilities, and continue to modernize to be more relevant to the lives of today’s current and prospective congregants.

Beth El Spiegel Religious School prepares its students and their families to participate fully in Jewish life—at home, in the synagogue, and as part of the larger Jewish community. The religious school’s creative and engaging learning environment is based on a dynamic evolving curriculum.

Beth El Congregation
1900 Cochran Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15220


Rabbis: Alex Greenbaum, Amy Greenbaum

Executive Director: Steve Hecht

Website        Facebook

Chabad of the South Hills

Chabad of the South Hills is located on McFarland Road in Mt. Lebanon.  It is a place where everyone is welcome – regardless of affiliation or level of knowledge. It is a warm welcoming environment to explore and experience our heritage and Judaism’s warm and relavant spirtual inspirations in a non-judgmental and inviting atmosphere.

Chabad hosts Shabbat and High Holiday services as well as holiday activities, including Public Chanukah Celebrations and a Grand Purim festival. Senior Programs, publishes Holiday Guides and the Jewish Art Calendar.  Chabad’s Hebrew School provides absorbing classes for children of all ages, where they can find meaning to becoming the newest link in the proud chain of Jewish experience.

The Center also presents popular lectures on Kabalah – Jewish Mysticism and Meditation, Hebrew reading, Talmud, Jewish Law, and Jewish History. Noted guest lecturers from around the world are often invited to provide unique insights and perspectives. Chabad of the South Hills’ has been reaching hundreds of Jews across the ideological spectrum, touching them where it counts most: in their hearts and minds.

Chabad of the South Hills

1701 McFarland Road

Pittsburgh,PA 15216-1812


Rabbi: Rabbi Mendel Rosenblum

Website       Facebook

Temple Emanuel

Temple Emanuel was established in 1951 by a group of Jewish families seeking to bring the beauty and spirit of Reform Judaism to Pittsburgh’s South Hills. At it’s current location on Bower Hill Road in Mt. Lebanon since 1954, Temple Emanuel offers opportunities for worship, education and community.

The  40,000-square-foot building hosts Torah Center, one of greater Pittsburgh’s largest synagogue religious schools, the Early Childhood Development Center enjoys a supurb reputation both in the Jewish and general community. Adult education, social action, cultural, youth and social programs fill Temple Emanuel’s calendar.

Most importantly, Temple Emanuel is a spiritual home celebrating Shabbat, the holidays and the sacred moments of congregants’ lives.

Weekly Schedule:

  • Friday – 7 pm Service
  • Saturday – 8:30 am Service followed by Torah Study at 9 am
  • Sunday – 9:30 am Morning Minyan

Links are available at

Temple Emanuel

1250 Bower Hill Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15243

(412) 279-7600

Rabbis: Rabbi Mark Mahler, Rabbi Jessica Locketz

Executive Director: Leslie Hoffman




South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh launched in July 2014, as a Community Engagement Initiative of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. The Vision of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh is to have a thrivingvibrant, and engaged Jewish Community. The Jewish Federation raises and allocate funds and builds community locally, in Israel, and around the world.

Beginning January 1, 2018, South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh, will be affiliated with the Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Greater Pittsburgh with offices at the South Hills JCC. The Federation remains a committed partner of South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh will be able to provide the most benefit to our community only if we are true to the following core values:

  • We are guided by the teachings of Torah including; tikkun olam (repairing the world), tzedakah (justice), chesed (kindness) and k’lal Yisrael (peoplehood).
  • We aim to sustain and meaningfully grow Jewish identity, leadership, and involvement in our community.
  • Our work will be carried out within the context of cooperation and inclusiveness.
  • We recognize the importance of working in concert with others.
  • We recognize the human dignity of every individual in the community.
  • We care about building a strong community with purpose and involvement.
  • We will establish priorities to accomplish our vision and mission.
  • We value the beliefs and opinions of all members of our community.

For information on the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, visit their website.

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