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Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood

Shevet Achim – The Brotherhood


Register here for Shevet Achim!

An Invitation from Chaim:

I am writing to tell you about an exciting opportunity for our 8th/9th grade boys.  This fall we are launching Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh.

Shevet Achim is an opportunity for adolescent Jewish boys to:

explore their evolving identity

explore the conflicting meanings of masculinity

build self-esteem

increase Jewish identity

develop leadership skills, and

have the chance to explore their journey towards manhood through the ethical, spiritual, and psychological lens of Judaism.

All of this, friendship, mentorship and dinner on a monthly basis.

I’m currently the Middle School Social Studies teacher at Community Day School. I also teach 4th and 7th grade Jewish identity with the Joint Jewish Education Program and have extensive experience working with Jewish adolescent in both informal and formal settings.

I hope 8th/9th graders and their parents can attend our parent-son “Taste of Shevet Achim” meeting. You’ll get a chance to experience the program and ask questions. It is being held on


Shevet Achim ChaimChaim Steinberg



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