- Center for Loving Kindness
- Fitness & Wellness
- JCC Camps
- Sports, Aquatics & Dance
- Early Childhood
- Children, Teens & Family
- Adults
- Jewish Life, Arts, Events, Rentals
- Giving
J&R’s traditional day camp, for children ages 4 to grade 5, provides the opportunity for children to experience emotional growth and independence and gain self-confidence.
Located on a beautiful 100-acre site, J&R creates opportunities for each child to grow through adventurous, safe and fun experiences while becoming part of the inclusive, welcoming J&R Day Camp community.
Transportation to and from Monroeville site, lunch and snacks provided. As always, the top priority for J&R Day Camp is the health and safety of our campers, staff and their families.
Visit the JCC Day Camps website to learn more HERE
There’s so much to do every day at J&R!
Division Director for Children, Youth & Family and JCC Day Camps
J&R Day Camp Director
Main: 412-697-3537
Summer: 412-829-7707
The JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.