- Center for Loving Kindness
- Fitness & Wellness
- JCC Camps
- Sports, Aquatics & Dance
- Early Childhood
- Children, Teens & Family
- Adults
- Jewish Life, Arts, Events, Rentals
- Giving
Members – You get 1 FREE month of membership!
Your friend gets
More Info:
Squirrel Hill: membership@jccpgh.org
South Hills: khont@jccpgh.org
Wednesday, June 21 FREE Classes Schedule
Squirrel Hill
Boot Camp 6 am
Group Fight 6:15 am
Group Centergy 8 am
On Your Mark HIIT 8 am
Yoga Stretch 8:30 am
Group Blast 9 am
Boom Muscle and Move 9:15 am
Spin30 9:15 am
Active Recovery 10 am
Group Active 10:15 am
Yoga 5 pm
Group Core 5:30 pm
Group Fight 6 pm
South Hills
Group Power 8 am
Cardio HIIT (with step) 10 am
Silver Sneakers Classic 11am
Core Conditioning 5 pm
DEKA Burn 5:30 & 7 pm
Fitness Center Orientations 10 & 10:30am
* Must register in Mind Body
The JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.