- Center for Loving Kindness
- Fitness & Wellness
- JCC Camps
- Sports, Aquatics & Dance
- Early Childhood
- Children, Teens & Family
- Adults
- Jewish Life, Arts, Events, Rentals
- Giving
Tuesdays: Social Justice: Eternal Values Applied to Contemporary Issues with Rabbi Ron Symons
Thursdays: Quarantine Stories Art and Quarantine Stories with Melissa Hiller
If you are interested in joining:
Sign up on the Virtual Senior Academy website
For more details, email Maddie Barnes at mbarnes@jccpgh.org or call 412-697-1186.
The JCC is open and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or different ability by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.